Monday, July 15, 2013

Like me on Facebook

Haven't updated this blog since March, and honestly I might just abandon it despite how much I like my theme and CSS,
So as a (possible) last post, I'm putting this out here to let you know that you should like my facebook page!

And follow my tumblr while you're at it, because I update that MUCH more frequently than I do anything else:

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Assassin's Creed: Edward and Connor

Oh poor Connor it took him only 3 months before getting shadowed by the next assassin...
So much Edward art coming out lately.
Let's not forget about Connor, my bby :*

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Assassin's Creed 3: Haytham's Journal

 "I never knew him. Not really. I thought I had, but it wasn't until I read his journal that i realized I hadn't really known him at all. And it's too late now. Too late to tell him I misjudged him. Too late to tell him I'm sorry." - "Forsaken" Prologue

So I finished Assassin's Creed 3 like a month ago.
I loved it.
Then I think I suffered some withdrawal and so I couldn't resist buying the book
Which I just finished today...
and oh my god.
The book is from Haytham's perspective, his journal, and his life before the Templars.
Why did I read Forsaken why did I draw this what am I doing to myself am I trying to make myself an emotional mess?
...I think yes.

So here's a half hour speedpaint of Connor reading the journal Haytham left him, and Haytham's ghost. Take it an all its sketchiness.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Interview with Graphic Art News

Forgot to mention this before, but on January 30th my interview with Graphic Art News was published! Click here to read it and check it out! Be sure to like it, tweet it, and/or share it too, it will really help us out! :D

P.S. me on instagram: camillerapay

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Something quick I drew in the spirit of Valentine's Day, my two characters Darius and Helene :)
Hope you like it! And have a nice time with your significant other :D
Or you could be single like me this year and sit home and eat cookies. nbd.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Hawke Siblings

The Hawkies! :D
I love this family. I love Dragon Age.
my feels.

Original sketch:
I don't even outline anymore. This is the closest you'll get to clean lines. I sketch, and then everything else is done by painting over this.

Remake of this old drawing from 2011 which for some reason was one of my most popular drawings on my deviantART page:
Like who needs anatomy.
Hahahahahaha. Ha.
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