What does "camique" mean?

It's a combination of my name and the word unique (Camille + Unique = Camique). It's my trademark username I use pretty much everywhere.

How old are you?


What program do you use for your digital art?

I used to use Gimp, then I used PaintToolSAI for a while, and now I use Photoshop CS5 alongside my trusty Wacom Bamboo Connect, it's better than food!

Okay that was a lie. It's almost better than food.

How long does it take you to draw a piece?

You know, it really depends. Apart from drawing, I have: school, volleyball and lacrosse, piano and guitar, and writing. I'm not very good with managing time, so I draw when I can/if I'm into, which is mostly on weekends. One illustration usually about 5-7 hours spread across many, many days.

Do you take requests/commissions?

Yes, I do, click here for more info.

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