Saturday, January 26, 2013

I Dreamed A Dream

Yayy finally finished I got lazy and so rushed it a bit. Oh well. Take it as it is haha
Have a happy and sad Fantine to brighten your day… or not, the song is pretty depressing.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

WIP: Fantine

I love Les Miserables. The movie rendition was amazing and if I don't draw fanart I'm going to feel like an awful person. So here's a WIP of Fantine, I thought I'd make her a mix of brunette and blonde like a mix of the musical movie and book.

By the way...
Anne Hathaway = Flawless

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2007-2012 Art Improvement

Figured I'd celebrate the new year by filling out this meme :)
As far as I remember, 2007 was when I started to draw seriously (or at least what I thought was serious. What does an 11 year old know about seriousness anyway?). People say reflection is a good thing, so here I am.
I've come pretty far, I'm proud of myself! :D

Blank template: [link]
My deviantART page: [link]
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